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Chuck Norris backs "incredible solution" for Congress (WOW!!!)


Famous kung-fu star Chuck Norris has just backed a clever plan to fund the U.S.-Mexico border wall that President Donald Trump has been asking for — and it wouldn't cost taxpayers a single dime.

Originally proposed by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in 2017, the plan would instead use up to $14 billion seized from a violent Mexican drug cartel leader and earmark the entire thing for wall construction.

Build the wall.

Make a violent Mexican drug lord pay for it.

Let Democrats fund the government…. and it wouldn't cost U.S. taxpayers a single red cent?

Seems like Chuck Norris has roundhouse kicked this idea out of the park.

The bill was named the "Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order (EL CHAPO) Act" and was reintroduced by Cruz on Thursday. The bill would earmark all of the assets potentially forfeited by Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman after his trial, and set them aside to fund the border wall.

And we're not talking a small time drug dealer.

The U.S. government believes Guzman has as much as $14 billion in assets they'll attempt to seize if he's convicted, which legal experts say is extremely likely.
