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IPFS News Link • Religion: Believers

Ark of the Covenant may be hidden in Africa, biblical scholars believe

•, By Jon Rogers

The Ark is said to be a gold-covered wooden chest containing two stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments – which Moses brought down from Mount Sinai – are written.

It is also said to contain other biblical items such as Aaron's rod, which is thought to have magical powers.

Since it vanished there have been several theories as to where the Ark is now, including Mount Nebo in Israel, southern Africa, Ethiopia, Egypt and even several locations in Europe.

While the idea that the Ark was taken to Ethiopia is not new, there has been renewed interest after evidence was unearthed by the Bible Archaeology, Search & Exploration Institute (BASE).

Christian monks in the African country have long claimed the Ark is being kept under guard at the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion in Axum.

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