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IPFS News Link • Holidays

Listen: I know it's been a hard, heart-wrenching, stomach-churning kind of year.


Listen: I know it's been a hard, heart-wrenching, stomach-churning kind of year.

It's been a year of hotheads and blowhards and killing sprees and bloodshed and takedowns.

It's been a year in which tyranny took a few more steps forward and freedom got knocked down a few more notches.

It's been a year with an abundance of bad news and a shortage of good news.

It's been a year of too much hate and too little kindness.

It's been a year in which politics and profit margins took precedence over decency, compassion and human-kindness.

We've been operating in this soul-sucking, topsy-turvy, inside-out, upside-down state for so long that it's hard not to be overwhelmed by all that is wrong in the world in order to reflect and give thanks for what is good.

And now we find ourselves at this present moment, more than 200 years after George Washington issued the first Thanksgiving proclamation as a time to give thanks for a government whose purpose was to ensure the safety and happiness of its people and for a Constitution designed to safeguard civil and religious liberty.

But how do you give thanks for freedoms that are constantly being eroded?

How do you express gratitude for one's safety when the perils posed by the American police state grow more treacherous by the day?

How do you come together as a nation in thanksgiving when the powers-that-be continue to polarize and divide us into warring factions?

Washington didn't intend Thanksgiving to be a day for offering up glib platitudes that require no thought, no effort and no sacrifice. He wanted it to be a day of contemplation, in which we frankly assessed our shortcomings, acknowledged our wrongdoings, and resolved to be a better, more peaceable nation in the year to come.

Here's what I know: this Thanksgiving finds us saddled with a government that is a far cry from Washington's vision of a government that is: