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IPFS News Link • FBI

The FBI tried sending "holiday wishes" to Americans; got absolutely obliterated in the com

• Revolver

Unfortunately, these days, the disgraced FBI has been exposed for what it is: biased, partisan, and prone to entrapment. Just look at J6 and the absurd "Whitmer Kidnapping" plot. As a result of all this scheming and deception, the American public has lost trust and is fed up with their political schemes that ruin the lives of decent people while allowing many bad guys to roam free.


A substantial majority of voters are concerned about FBI interference in a future presidential election, with a similar number saying the agency needs wide-ranging reform.

According to a new poll by Harvard CAPS-Harris, 70% of respondents said that they were either very or somewhat concerned about interference by the FBI and other intelligence agencies in elections. Further, 71% agreed that changes post-2016 had not done enough to prevent further interference and that "wide-ranging" reform was still required.
