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The Common Sense Analysis of the 2018 Midterm Results


The 2018 midterm election was dubbed the most important election of its type in American history. I would have to agree with that assessment.

Neither the conservatives, nor the liberals can successfully spin the election results as a major victory for either side. However, on balance, the liberal Democrats can claim a partial victory over the nation's conservatives.

The following is an analysis and reaction to the 2018 midterm elections as the results stand at 7AM Eastern.

The Democrats Take Back the House

The most notable victory for the liberals and their Deep State puppet masters (eg George Soros) lies in the fact that the Democrats were successful in retaking the U.S. House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm elections. However, the much anticipated "blue wave" in which some prognosticators, like Matt Drudge, were in extreme error, as they predicted as many as 65 seats  would flip to the Democratic Socialist Party. As of 7AM Eastern, the liberals picked up around 35 seats in the House of Representatives. Conversely, the liberals lost ground in the very important Senate.

By virtue of the fact that the Democrats have won the House we can count on at least one impeachment of Trump attempt in the next two years. Certainly, the economic reforms achieved by Trump over the last two years which have resulted in record low unemployment levels for Blacks, Latinos and women will be somewhat negated by Democrats with an agenda which does not include the economic welfare of their constituents. In short, the political process will be thrown into abject chaos.

The Republicans Retain the Senate

If Trump is re-elected in 2020, he has the ability to flip the Supreme Court to a 7-2 conservative majority. This can negate future extreme legislation by the insane left and help to preserve what is left of  the Constitution. This is a major victory for conservative Americans and the benefit will last for the next 30 years.

All treaties, including free trade agreements are also subject to Supreme Court review and this will provide a measure of protection for American jobs and subsequent incomes as well as limiting the chance for World War III.

America Rejects the Radical Extreme Leftist Democratic Agenda (kind of)

I was very concerned that the younger generation, who turned out to vote in record numbers, would allow the extreme left to seize control of the political process. The result in extreme candidates getting elected is very mixed and should be of grave concern for supporters of the Constitution.

Let's look at 3 races as a barometer of extreme politics taking over America:

The Texas Senate race

The New York Congressional District 1 race

The Arizona Senate race

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