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IPFS News Link • Police Brutality and Militarization

Dallas: Off-Duty Cop Walks Into Home She Thought Was Hers, Kills Innocent...

•,by Matt Agorist

 Highlighting the sheer insane state of law enforcement in America today is a tragic story out of Dallas this week. An off-duty police officer walked into the wrong home after getting off shift, thought the homeowner was an intruder, and killed him. And, she has not yet been arrested. 

The victim was 26-year-old Bothan Shem Jean who was most likely startled by someone coming into his home at 10:00 pm when the unnamed officer opened his door. While the details surrounding how Jean was killed are unclear, according to police, the officer admitted to killing him.

In a statement released on Friday, Dallas police said their officer called them after shooting Jean and told responding officers that "she entered the victim's apartment believing that it was her own."

On September 6, 2018 at about 9:59 p.m., an off duty Dallas Police officer called police dispatch and said she was involved in a shooting at the apartments located at 1210 S. Lamar.
