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Australia Government Collapse: 13 Ministers Resign, PM Turnbull Outed

•, by Mike Mish Shedlock

Last week Turnbull survived a challenge by Peter Dutton, but Dutton made another attempt and support for Turnbull collapsed.

I received an email from an Australian reader a bit ago who said he did not expect Turnbull to survive the day and that as many as 13 government ministers resigned.

Two days ago the Guardian reported Turnbull Survives Challenge from Dutton – For Now but it seems like "for now" is over already.

How Malcolm Turnbull Lost his Grip as Prime Minister in Just 48 Hours

ABC News has a a synopsis of resignation offers in How Malcolm Turnbull Lost his Grip as Prime Minister in Just 48 Hours

Tuesday morning

The Prime Minister opens the Liberal party room meeting by calling a leadership spill, surprising most of his colleagues. Mr Dutton challenges, but the PM narrowly wins 48 votes to 35. The challenger resigns from his Cabinet position as home affairs minister. (Count 1)