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Ontario, Canada Abruptly Cancels Universal Basic Income Experiment

• Jeremy Berke and Pete

. If UBI cannot succeed in socialist Canada, it cannot succeed anywhere else, either. Mark Zuckerberg stated at the 2017 Harvard commencement address, ""We should explore ideas like universal basic income to make sure that everyone has a cushion to try new ideas." ? TN Editor

Anger and outrage, shock and betrayal: Those were some of the raw emotions after one of the world's largest basic-income experiments was suddenly canceled.

Earlier this week, Doug Ford, the conservative new premier of Ontario, Canada, pulled the rug out from under the experiment, which provided 4,000 people living at or near the poverty line with a stipend.

Ford's government hasn't publicly said much about its reasoning for canceling the program, other than claiming it disincentives recipients from finding work.
