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IPFS News Link • United States

Rights Group Report Details US 'War of Annihilation' in Syria's Raqqa

•, Jason Ditz

Amnesty International has issued a new report on the 2017 US-backed offensive against the Syrian city of Raqqa. Raqqa was the capital of the ISIS Caliphate, and was captured by US and Kurdish YPG forces in the offensive.

At least, they captured what was left of it. US and Kurdish forces engaged in what the report describes as a "war of annihilation," destroying large parts of the city, killing civilians with impunity, and failing to investigate allegations of war crimes committed.

Raqqa as it stands now is heavy destroyed, with civilian lives still far from back to normal. Amnesty researchers say the large civilian toll in Raqqa showed something was clearly wrong, and the lack of accountability suggested the US remains "in denial" about what happened.