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IPFS News Link • Immigration

Solving the US immigration problem, Christine Smith, podcast

• C. Smith/Paul Molloy Freedom Works radio show

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Comment by PureTrust
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Ever hear of supply and demand? There isn't any immigration problem. Two thirds of U.S. land is not being used because government won't let us use it. - Libertarian principles suggest to let the people come. Then, teach them freedom and common law. Common law is essentially, freedom except when someone injures someone else. Make the punishment fit the injury. When enough of Mexico comes to the USA, supply and demand will kick in and make the Mexican government change to be like the US government just to get their people back. The biggest problem of the whole USA government is that common people are ignorant and unwilling to learn that government people are people, and can be litigated, personally, and be made to pay back personally for injury done to people. If we understood this, and made it happen in all cases where we disagree with government, government would back off, and our form of it would spread to Mexico and other countries easily.

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