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IPFS News Link • Sanctions

Why 'Maximum Pressure' on North Korea Will Only Strengthen the Regime

• by Richard Mason

Last Friday, President Trump announced a new wave of sanctions against North Korea in an attempt to curtail the smuggling that goes on between the hermit state and its neighbours, China and Russia.

This comes as part of Trump's 'Maximum Pressure' campaign, espoused by his daughter and senior adviser Ivanka Trump to the South Korean President, whereby the administration hopes to coerce the DPRK into ceasing its nuclear programmes.

The problem is that economic sanctions have consistently failed to achieve cooperation from North Korea, and they're unlikely to do so now.

Same Old Story

A relatively young nation, North Korea has been the subject of heavy sanctions since withdrawing from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 2003. Much like a deep-sea fish, the North Korea of today doesn't really know what it's like not to live under extreme pressure.
