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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Libertarianism


•, By Bionic Mosquito

Ahead"; what comes next for this growing libertarian movement, on what issues should we focus, with whom should we ally?

This forty-seven-year-old issue offers some good news and some bad news.  The good news: the movement (if defined as the existence of several generally libertarian organizations) has grown significantly since then.  The bad news: all of the same divisions amongst libertarians remain.

But if we are to concentrate on developing our own organization, then we must be able to deal with divisions among ourselves, for right now we encompass a very wide spectrum from "extreme right" to "extreme left."

It strikes me that the libertarian movement – given that the non-aggression principle offers what it is against, but inherently cannot offer what it is for – is no different than any other revolutionary movement.  Revolutionary movements always find a wide spectrum within the ranks.