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IPFS News Link • Technology: Software

"Wreaking Havoc" - HP Installs System-Slowing Spyware On Its PCs Without Consent

•, Mac Slavo

According to numerous reports gathered by Computer World, the brand is deploying a telemetry client (a system data that is uploaded by the Connected User Experience and Telemetry component), on customer computers without asking permission.

The software, which was first identified on November 15 of this year, is called "HP Touchpoint Analytics Service"and appears to replace the self-managed HP Touchpoint Manager solution. According to the official productivity description, it features "the tools you need to ensure all your managed devices' security — and brings you greater peace of mind". The problem is, it's installing itself without permission and is wreaking havoc on customers' systems.

And the consumers are noticing:

On 11/18/2017 Hp Touchpoint Analytics Client was installed on my computer without my concent, I'm assuming it was installed in the background as an update to Hp support or framework.

However it happened I don't appreciate it's sneaky take over of my computer's system resources.