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IPFS News Link • Robots and Artificial Intelligence

Dwave Systems has upgraded reverse annealing quantum system that is 150 times faster

• by brian wang

Two of the most powerful new capabilities are reverse annealing and virtual graphs. These features enable significant performance improvements over the current D-Wave 2000Q system by giving users increased control of the quantum processing unit (QPU).

"With its expanding user base, D-Wave has had the opportunity to learn firsthand about new capabilities that would be useful to customers working on solving real world problems," said Earl Joseph, CEO of Hyperion Research, "The combination of larger, more powerful quantum processors, enhanced user control over the quantum computation, and a growing list of software tools are all critical to advancing quantum computing. D-Wave is doing pioneering work in all of these areas."

"The new capabilities will greatly benefit our customers by giving them new ways to exploit the power of the D-Wave 2000Q quantum computer," said Jeremy Hilton, SVP Systems, D-Wave. "We continue to deliver rapid advances in quantum hardware, software, and other system components that our growing user base can leverage for application development."
