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IPFS News Link • Tax Reform

What Would Real Tax Reform Look Like?

•, by L. Neil Smith

The hunter-gatherers' tools could be used as weapons because that's essentially what they were—ask any mastodon—the farmers'. could not. As a result, anti-productive marauders who had been held off by the hunters' tools (or the ability of the hunters and their families to escape and evade) took advantage of those who were stuck to the plots of land they had learned to farm with clumsy agricultural implements (which could not be wielded as easily by females, relegating them to a subordinate role for fifty centuries), and forced to to pay tribute to the bandits. Go take another look at the 1960 movie masterpiece The Magnificent Seven for illustration. The thieves eventually learned to call themselves "government" and the goods they stole, "your fair share".

This year, 2017, according to the Tax Foundation, Americans have been compelled under the threat of injury, death, or imprisonment, to pay $3.5 trillion in federal taxes and $1.6 trillion in state and local taxes, for a total tax bill of $5.1 trillion, or thirty-one percent of the national income. Any demand authorities make that you resist or ignore, they will deal with by armed confiscation.
Let there be no mistake: I pay the taxes that are demanded of me, and I have done so all my life, because I don't want to be beaten up or killed. But I have a long memory, and a long reach into the future. The children and grandchildren of today's tax collectors will be tax resistors, influenced by me and others like me. and deeply ashamed of their looter parents and grandparents.