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IPFS News Link • Police State

WATCH: Police 'Protect' Society by Stealing Man's Money for Improperly Selling Hot Dogs


The University of California Berkeley Police were recently featured in a video that shows their officers serving local citizens by protecting them from the dangers of—a hot dog vendor without a permit.

The video was posted on Facebook by Martin Flores, with the caption, "The sadness to observe UC Berkeley Police give a hotdog vendor a ticket and his hard earned money taken away #Justice4Juan."

"That's not right man, that's not right," Flores said as he used his phone to record a UC Berkeley police officer issuing a ticket to a hot dog vender outside of a football game at the California Memorial Stadium.

"That's how it works," the male officer responded. "Take it to a judge, and the judge can decide whether or not it's right."

The officer then took the money out of the vendor's wallet, and when he began to protest in Spanish, the officer told him to "Back up."

"You're going to take his hard-earned money?" Flores asked. The officer replied, "Yep."

"People can drink on campus at football games with no tickets, but a hard-working man selling hot dogs, earning a living, gets his money taken away and a ticket," Flores remarked.