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IPFS News Link • Police State

Dozens of NYPD Cops Bravely Rally Behind Colin Kaepernick to Expose Police Brutality


New York, NY — Dozens of active and retired police officers turned out for a rally in New York on Saturday to make a powerful statement. The officers expressed their support for  Colin Kaepernick and his stance against the rampant racism and brutality among police departments from coast to coast.

Kaepernick, the former quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, made his opinions well known last year when he began to take a knee during the national anthem. His freedom of speech and brave activism was hailed as heroic by some but hated by others.

Yes, Kaepernick chose not to stand for the national anthem. So what?

Americans were more outraged over a single NFL player's personal decision than the oppressive and often criminal government who rules over them.

It is no secret that the war on drugs hits minorities, black people in particular, harder than their white counterparts. These forced confrontations in futile attempts to control what people choose to put in their own bodies all too often become harassing and violent.

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Comment by PureTrust
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The Police Union might be forced to take sides, which will show how the Police Union is the "thing" behind corrupt cops.