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IPFS News Link • Secret Societies

Press Coverage of Bilderberg Highest Ever

•, Kit Daniels

News coverage of the Bilderberg Group hit record highs as the establishment media is forced to admit the true nature of the globalist gathering.

Remember it was only a few years ago that the mainstream media denied Bilderberg even existed.

But now, numerous news outlets including the BBC, Sky News, the Guardian and others are openly discussing the meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, where over 130 of the world's top tech elites, bankers, politicians, royalty, media owners and intelligence agents meet in secret for four days without an official record taken of the proceedings.

"The 2017 edition of Bilderberg, long a byword for secret societies and globally conspiratorial behaviour, wraps up its four-day sojourn in the western Fairfax County spot of Chantilly today and we are, as per usual, none the wiser about what went down in those hallowed conference rooms," reported "…First held in the titular Netherlands hotel in 1954, ostensibly to foster better relations between Europe and North America, Bilderberg has been an annual, travelling summer affair in the six decades since."
