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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

President Trump Says 'We're Not Going Into Syria' Even Though U.S. Troops Are Already Th


President Donald Trump announced on television last night that, "we're not going into Syria." As great of news as this is, perhaps we should be looking at the reality behind these claims in depth, rather than simply accepting them as verbatim fact.

For instance, multiple sources reported on March 9th that the U.S. dispatched around 400 ground forces into Syria. What is most troubling about this alert is that the Pentagon has also stopped disclosing troop numbers in the Middle East. In essence, then, there could be scores more than the 400 ground forces in Syria already. Another source, the Army Times, claims that 2,500 troops were sent out to a staging base in Kuwait (which is within striking distance of Syria) on the same day.

We already know that there are U.S. ground forces in Syria, which makes Trump's comment, "we're not going into Syria," questionable because we are already in Syria. Perhaps our president needs to clarify his comments, because the American people are watching world events unfold with anxiety right now. This latest claim by Trump is even more confusing than anything.

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