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IPFS News Link • Energy

New Graphene electrodes for supercapacitors...


Theoretical analysis using an analytical equivalent circuit model shows that the enhancement of the areal capacitance is up to 300 times for Hilbert BFE electrodes compared to its planar electrode counterpart. The graphene-based prototype also opens a new path to the development of flexible thin film all-in-one solar capture and storage, bringing us one step closer to self-powering smart phones, laptops, cars and buildings.

The new electrode is designed to work with supercapacitors, which can charge and discharge power much faster than conventional batteries.

* the Hilbert supercapacitors retained 95% of capacitance even after 10,000 charge and discharge cycles
* the energy density of the Hilbert BFE-MSC is 30 times better than the reported LSG-MSCs and close to Li-ion batteries. Advanced super-resolution nanofabrication technique might bridge this gap

These results open a pathway for meeting the demands of the current technology like self-powered graphene energy storages for wearables and various self solar energy-powered devices, which will have a significant impact in various areas of human society.

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