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Bill Paxton dies from surgery as failed medical system takes another beloved life


(Natural News) Actor Bill Paxton died yesterday from "surgery complications." The widely acclaimed actor was 61 years old and starred in a long list of blockbuster films including Aliens, Titanic, The Terminator, Apollo 13 and Twister.

Sadly, Bill Paxton's death is yet another example of the failed medical system that routinely kills innocent people while reaping billions in profits from drugs and surgeries that harm far more people than they save.

So-called "iatrogenic deaths" — deaths caused by medicine — are killing a shocking 783,000 Americans each year, vastly exceeding even the nearly 600,000 annual deaths attributed to cancer. (In truth, even the 600,000 "cancer deaths" statistic is actually filled with people who died from the chemotherapy, not the cancer.) (SOURCE: Death by Medicine – PDF)

Superbug infections kill hundreds of thousands during surgery

Although details have not been released about what complications caused Bill Paxton's death, the most likely culprit is a superbug infection. Specifically, it's likely either c. diff or MRSA, both of which are now endemic in hospitals across the USA.