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IPFS News Link • Energy

New Wind Turbine Flaps Wings Like Hummingbird To Produce Clean Energy


Although traditional wind turbines have relatively little impact on the environment compared to fossil fuels, they still aren't perfect. Mainly, people complain that the installations produce too much noise, pollute the view of landscapes, and kill birds and bats that fly into them. It's for this reason and because their design can always be improved that a number of innovators are working on alternative concepts. One that might peak your interest was designed by Tyer Winds, and it's the first mechanical device in the world that mimics the motion of a hummingbird in flight.

The  Tunisian invention is being heralded as a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of mechanics. Hassine Labaied, partner and co-founder of Tyer Wind, told Inhabitat that only recently have scientists begin to apply new understandings of animal and human motion into wings. The new wind power plant design is far more efficient than standard turbines due to 3D Aouinian kinematics pioneered by Anis Aouini.