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IPFS News Link • Activism

March of Madness

• by Karen Kwiatkowski

Modern American trends in protest don't bode well for peace and prosperity if the recent women's revolution marches are any indicator.

Real change at any level comes through a combination of awareness and investment – a shared knowledge of how things might be "better" and skin in the game.  The internet has promoted the knowledge side of the equation, facilitating widespread understanding and awareness of how things might be better.  Art and literature, history, images, a flattening of communication about and between humanity, all of this is unleashed, on demand and on fire.

The protests in Washington and all over the country last weekend reflected this culture, blending it with raw emotionalism and a festival atmosphere.  There was a general idea among protesters that something could be better, but it was not articulated, beyond Trump not being President.  Presumably, the chanting crowds also wanted Vice President Pence gone as well, and from there, it gets a bit murky as to how much they really would like to see rolled back.  All Trump appointees gone? A reverse of November's GOP sweep in the House and Senate?  Was it to retain a fantastical third Obama term, or to go back in time to prevent Clinton's people from eliminating Bernie's people during the DNC Convention?  The protesters identified as progressives, but the solutions they promoted were remarkably conservative, even reactionary.