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IPFS News Link • General Opinion

Not Buying Any Government Today, Thanks


I want to be as fair-minded as I can in what I am about to say. Now, the media acts like the government has been running better than a Swiss watch for the last eight years. And I don't want to sit here and act like it ran like a Swiss watch the eight years before that, either. Nor will it run like one going forward. Why? Because it is still the government we are talking about. One man isn't wholly responsible for this train wreck we see before us. But what's more, one man will not be fully responsible for future messes, as much as the media would have us believe.

I will save time and refer to our federal government as Guv from here on. Look here, Guv, the population of homeless people has been increasing every year. Now, how is it that you're able to run around and blather this nonsense about us being "the greatest nation on Earth" when every city park looks like a refugee camp? And why do they look like refugee camps? Because they are! They're economic refugees! You clowns have collectively spent the prosperity of three or four generations now! And for what? The Vietnam War? The Iraq War? This horrifying nightmare you brought to us trying to bring Dumbocracy to Syria? I see the homeless every day. More than half are seriously mentally ill. No, let local police handle it, right?

Speaking of the homeless, there are flyers and handbills everywhere telling homeless veterans where they can try and get help. No, not from the VA. I'm talking hot meals, showers, a place to sleep. Some of them are so recently discharged, you can hear their dogtags still jangling under their shirts as they walk. See, these are the results of your trying to bring "democracy" to people who will fight tooth and nail to keep your version of that out of their countries. But you're done with them, right? Again, let the local police handle it. We've got a war to start with Russia, after all.

I'm tired of hearing this nonsense about how great Guv has been for the last eight years. Sorry, but this is the same Guv that has been in control for over a couple hundred years now and they've done nothing but pauperize huge swathes of the nation that used to have economic stability. Tax this, tax that, pass this law, sign BS trade treaties over here, jail people for smoking weed, and on and on it goes. We have more people per capita in prison than the Soviets had socked away in gulags and you jokers want to tell me we're so great? Flush out your headgear, dummies. You jail people over smoking some flowers while you people commit multiple felonies, torture human beings, start illegal wars, and kill people all over the planet and not one of you—not one!—sees a day of jail time for it. No, jail is also the relocation camp for the economic refugees your insane policies have created. And the mentally ill, too, by the way.

The poor, yeah, you're all so keen on us, aren't you? As if we're cute little waifs in a Norman Rockwell painting that you condescend to flip a dime to on the street corner. Excuse me, but the fundraisers you all attend cost $25,000 a plate. That's more than we earn in a year! And, what, Guv? You think you KNOW us and what our needs are? Many of us haven't even heard of the crap you serve at these shindigs and you want to act like you're in solidarity with us? Here's a news flash for you: I don't trust any of you and I don't even like any of you. I've seen too many broken promises. Too many people that went to jail for weed while you people, again, committed multiple felonies and flippin' walked.

You do these stupid things like provoking the Russians—the Russians!—and act like we're all behind you on this? Yeah? We're the one that will be incinerated. If we're lucky. You'll all be hiding in those bunkers you built for yourselves with that 100 year supply of Xanax and heaven alone knows what other drugs you stashed away down there. Right, no jail terms for you! Let some poor soul have a bottle of Xanax without a prescription, he goes to jail. You guys stash a century's worth of it for a couple thousand people to party like it's Doomsday (because it is) and they probably high-fived throughout the Pentagon and put in a few purchase requisitions for Quaaludes.