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IPFS News Link • Gun Rights

Life and Death in Today's Chicago

• by L. Neil Smith

This is not brain science; it is not rocket surgery. The unfortunate metropolis's 762 shooting deaths in 2016 alone, its 4378 shootings (17%—not very good shots in Chicago, are they?), are the direct consequence of a single, specific, famously liberal/progressive policy pursued over the last several decades. Bit by blood-soaked bit, the city is being converted into Detroit. If that policy had never been introduced by the wrong-headed, mentally and morally-challenged authorities who rule it, Chicago would now be peaceful, prosperous, and safe. Everyone who has ever died or suffered injuries of a particular kind owes his dismal fate to that policy and to the generations of political seat-warmers and place-holders who have mindlessly enforced it.

That policy is to completely and illegally ignore the highest law of the land, the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, commonly known as the Bill of Rights, particularly the Second and Ninth Amendments, and to unlawfully prevent ordinary individuals from owning and carrying the means of self-defense. The Second Amendment does not say "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed—except when the authorities deem otherwise". To act as if it did is a deliberate act of mass-murder comparable to the Holocaust, for which the city's dirty officials should be summarily removed and thoroughly prosecuted.