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IPFS News Link • Political correctness

"Ze" gender-neutral pronoun being pushed by safe space universities is...

•, by: Mike Adams

"Students at Oxford University have been told to use the pronoun 'ze' rather than 'he' or 'she' to eliminate discrimination against transgender people," reported today.

"Guidance offered in a leaflet by the students' union advises against using traditional pronouns, arguing that doing so suggests there are only two genders. Deliberately using the wrong pronoun for a transgendered person is an offence under the union's code of conduct."

I have news for all the snowflake "biological denialists" at Oxford and other "safe space" campus across America: There are only two sexes in humans: male and female.

This attempted removal of gender-specific pronouns from the English language is a blatant (and horrifying) campaign to sterilize the English language in order to appease a tiny fraction of the population that is, technically speaking, suffering from a condition that's still recognized as a "mental illness" by the World Health Organization.