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IPFS News Link • Biology, Botany and Zoology

Clot-busting skin patch keeps the blood flowing with microneedles

• by Michael Franco

Clots form when proteins in plasma and platelets thicken causing a mass. They can sometimes appear spontaneously, but are often the result of injuries or surgeries. Now, a new patch developed by researchers in North Carolina could help battle these life-threateners in a novel way.

The square patch has a series microneedles hanging from its underside. Each needle consists of the peptide hyaluronic acid (HA) and the drug Heparin. HA is a substance found in the human body, particularly in the eyes and joints, and is often applied as a cream to the skin as a moisturizer or for healing wounds. Heparin is a blood thinner, or anticoagulant, used to prevent blood clots.

The needles are designed in a such a way that when a blood-clot-causing enzyme called thrombin is elevated in the blood, they break down and release Heparin into the body.

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