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IPFS News Link • Voting and Elections

Jill Stein Raises Over $4 Million For Recount That "Could Put Hillary in the White House"

• by Kurt Nimmo

Editor's Comment: According to Open Secrets, Green Party candidate Jill Stein only raised about $3.5 million over the course of her entire presidential campaign (as of reports dated Oct. 28, just 10 days before the election), yet she has now raised over $4.5 million AFTER the election ended i order to fuel recounts that she is pursuing in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania – by coincidence, the three states that Hillary would need to pull a "win" after the fact if indeed recounts are done, and election results are altered. Stein received less than 1% of the vote in most states, and received no electoral votes, yet money is pouring into her campaign now. Gee… I wonder why?

More to the point, what would happen IF a recount changed the results of the election and the race was declared for Hillary after all? There was too much fraud and shadiness to suggest that Hillary ran any kind of legitimate campaign (clearly the DNC rigged the primaries to give her a red carpet), but no one would discount the importance of transparency, fair elections and verification. Theoretically, Hillary is something like 50,000 votes away (in those 3 key states)  from triumphing. Vote fraud is repugnant, and no one including Donald Trump should benefit from it.

Nonetheless, IF a scenario were to play out where Trump was stripped of the win, and Hillary instead took the Oval Office – and perhaps that is a big if, but it isn't inconceivable – there is little doubt that a restless and angry population – confused and torn on all sides – would take to the streets.