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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Iran, Turkey Agree to Closer Cooperation on Syria


Turkish FM Mevlut Cavusoglu and his Iranian counterpart Javad Zarif have met today in Ankara, and agreed that the two nations will engage in "greater cooperation" on the Syrian Civil War, despite being on opposite sides of the conflict.

Iran is among Syria's closest allies, while Turkey has been backing the rebellion from the beginning. The two foreign ministers, however, agreed to keep "closer contact" over the conflict and appeared to have common ground in both backing the "territorial integrity of Syria."

This is a significant shift, however, and comes immediately after a comparable agreement between the Turkish government and Russia over Syria, suggesting the Erdogan government is dramatically rethinking its position on the civil war.

Turkey may well be lamenting their previous gamble that the Arab nationalist rebels would quickly conquer Syria and would crack down on Kurdish pushes for autonomy, which has instead left them with Islamist rebels controlling half the Turkey-Syria border, and an independent Kurdish faction on most of the rest of it.

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Comment by PureTrust
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When you promote the idea that Iran or Turkey or any other government can make any kind of agreement, you are promoting the idea that a fiction, or that pieces of paper, can think. It isn't governments that think. It is people that think, make decisions and make agreements. But as long as you can dupe people into thinking that it is governments that do these things, people lose freedom, and you are promoting slavery by things you have written in FP.

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