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IPFS News Link • Police State

Punish and Suppress: Police Unions are the Red Army by Bill Buppert

•, by Bill Buppert

Our Village Praxis efforts have been experimenting in the basement and the question of knife attacks in the USSA will start to loom larger as certain violence prone religionists step forward to advance their theology in the most direct fashion possible.

America's closest Arabic ally in the Middle East, the House of Saud, has been ground zero for Wahabbist Salafist jihad fetishism since its creation and is inspired by the 18th century Muslim evangelical, Muhammad ibn ?Abd al-Wahhab, and one can lay the blame for the devilish coalition to any number of prominent American political dynasties like the Busheviks or the Clintons and a host of neoconservative apparatchiks who serve both of the clown posses in the Republicans and Democrats.

Knife attacks and bladed weapons assaults should start to ramp up with the same frequency the recent refugee influx has caused in Europe, some claim seven of those ten refugees arriving at the gates of Vienna will eventually make their way to government sponsored enclaves in the US.

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