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IPFS News Link • Environment

5 Reasons California's Drought May be Caused By US Military's HAARP


First things first: Before an argument can even be made that the U.S. military's High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) might be the cause of California's never-ending drought, it needs to be made abundantly clear that HAARP was designed as a way to conduct "weather warfare." Any discussion about that being "Conspiracy Theory" needs to be smashed, so let's do that first. Catherine J Frompovich said it best when she wrote:

The most damning aspersion that can be lobbed against any person, or the exposure of "secret government activity," overwhelmingly is "Conspiracy Theorist." That pejorative 'handle' is equated with imbecile mind-activity with aspersions often suggested as 'tin hat wearers'. Well, step aside all you doubters and listen up carefully to what took place in the halls of Congress on May 14, 2014 regarding the weather modification system known as HAARP.

In the video below, Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) asks Rear Admiral Klunder some pointed questions about HAARP. However, readers may not be surprised at the answers, but the mainstream media ought to be wiping oodles of egg yolk from its collective face.