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IPFS News Link • Police State

Why Do Countries Like Norway Have So Few Deaths By Police Compared To The U.S.?


American police kill more citizens each year than any other first world country has in over 20 years; even those whose citizens are allowed guns, and some with quadruple the population.


Police brutality in the United States has been a top issue lately, thanks to social media movements that continue to bring injustices to light, gathering more accurate information than recorded by the government.  So far in 2016, according to a comprehensive list done by The Counted, police have killed 651 people; 320 were white, 165 black (though they only make up 13% of the population, therefore were 5x more likely to be shot by a police officer than white people), 106 Hispanic, 10 Asian, 13 Native American and 37 were "other/unknown".

In 2015, a shocking 1,146 people were killed by police in the US. Of those killed, 229 of them were unarmed. So given the fact that the US has about 319 million in population, people are killed in the US at a rate of .00000359%

That's a 'small statistic', but that's a part of the problem. In a business or a corporation like, say, Walmart, they account for a certain yearly amount of "losses". Let's say Walmart expects at least $100K in theft or broken merchandise every year, so they write it off – they don't expect that revenue. So people tend to look at the US as if it was a business, in that there are an expected amount of losses that are deemed acceptable.

The problem with that is this country is not a business. This country is full of people, and lives are significantly more important than the amount of revenue you claim on your taxes. I suppose if you're Donald Trump and his supporters, you expect a country to be a run like a business, but that is not a sentiment shared by the rest of the world.

To put this in perspective, US police kill more people in days than other countries do in years. While England and Wales have about 56 million people, police have only killed 55 people in the last 24 years. In 2015, ONE PERSON was killed by police in the UK. ONE. OUT OF ALMOST 57 MILLION PEOPLE. (Only one police officer died in 2015 in the UK as well, as he was accidentally run over during a police chase).

This disparity is repeated when the US is compared to other larger countries as well, such as Germany, Canada, Australia and all other first world nations.

In fact, police in the US kill citizens over 70 times more than other first world nations. China, who has a population of nearly 1.4 billion people, saw the death of only 12 people in 2014. That means the US, a country that is 4.5 times smaller than China, managed to kill people 92% more.


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