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IPFS News Link • Gun Rights

NRA Members Furious, Lash Out After Organization Defends Cops But Not Philando Castile


Moments after a St. Anthony cop abruptly shot her boyfriend to death in front of her 4-year-old daughter, Diamond Reynolds live-streamed a video on Facebook depicting her dying boyfriend drenched in blood and sitting beside her. According to recent reports, Reynolds' daughter was inside the car when the cop opened fire.

Castile had committed no crime, he was complying with the officer's orders, and yet the mere fact that he told the cop he was lawfully concealed carrying led to him being killed.

Before Castile was murdered, a graphic cell phone video surfaced showing two officers execute Alton Sterling at point blank range as they held down his arms, Sterling was also carrying a pistol.

These two deaths were enough to shake Americans out of their slumber and thousands took to the streets across the country to protest these needless murders.