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IPFS News Link • Gun Rights

Gun Rights--A Not So Modest Proposal


But in America the only places with a lot of gun violence are Chicago, Detroit, New York and California, the exact only places where those same politicians have managed to make the Right to Keep and Bear Arms "illegal" (it's only illegal in their warped power-drunk minds. Any law which violates the Constitution is null and void).

Since Chicago, Detroit, New York City and California are drenched in the blood of gun control-fueled violence, I venture to say our great leaders' gun control has been a dismal failure. Violence in gun control areas is far worse than it was before the 1930s when there was no gun control. Funny how a free society has a way of being self- regulating. Smirk.

My proposal and ambition is simple: Re-legalize ALL guns, muskets, semi-automatic "assault rifles," fully-automatic rifles and sub- machine guns, and all varieties of pistols, in these four politician- failed cities. It couldn't get any worse than it already is, and we have the historical evidence that these cities were relatively peaceful when guns traded freely.