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Bird brains? No, parrots are just as bright as apes!


Birds have more brain cells than apes, despite having smaller brains

Crows and parrots have shown skills such as being able to use tools

Their other talents include being able to recognise themselves in a mirror 

For years birds were accused of being feather brained.

But now scientists have found they are not only as clever as apes, but have more brain cells despite much tinier brains.

Crows and parrots have shown remarkable skills such as being able to use tools, recognise themselves in a mirror, and in the case of parrots, learn to speak words.

The mystery of how they manage these intellectual feats with such small brains has been puzzling scientists for years,

But researchers have now discovered that birds have far more brain cells packed into their tiny skulls than apes, monkeys and other mamals whose brains weigh many times more.


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