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IPFS News Link • Stock Market

80% Stock Market Crash to Strike in 2016, Economists Warn


Société Générale investment strategist Albert Edwards is sounding the alarm that we could witness the largest stock market crash in decades … as much as a 75% plunge in 2016.

And the prophetic economist Andrew Smithers warns, "U.S. stocks are now about 80% overvalued."

Smithers backs up his prediction using a ratio which proves that the only times in history stocks were this risky was 1929 and 1999. And we all know what happened next. Stocks fell by 89% and 50%, respectively.

Former Congressman Ron Paul didn't mince words, either. He warns that the stock market's "day of reckoning" is fast-approaching. When that day comes, he doesn't think it's just going to be a correction — it will be "stock market chaos."

But there is one distinct warning that should send chills down your spine … that of James Dale Davidson. Davidson is the famed economist who correctly predicted the collapse of 1999 and 2007.

Davidson now warns, "There are three key economic indicators screaming SELL. They don't imply that a 50% collapse is looming; it's already at our doorstep."

And if Davidson calls for a 50% market correction, one should pay heed.
