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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Trumped! Why It Happened And What Comes Next, Part 3 (The Jobs Deal)


As we demonstrated in Part 1, what's winning is Washington, Wall Street and the bicoastal elites. The latter prosper from finance, the LA and SF branches of entertainment ( movies/TV and social media, respectively) and the great rackets of the Imperial City—including the military/industrial/surveillance complex, the health and education cartels, the plaintiffs and patent bar, the tax loophole farmers and the endless lesser K-Street racketeers.

But most of America's vast flyover zone has been left behind. Thus, the bottom 90% of families have no more real net worth today than they had 30 years ago and earn lower real household incomes and wages than they did 25 years ago.

Needless to say, the lack of good jobs lies at the bottom of the wealth and income drought on main street, and this week's April jobs report provided still another reminder.
