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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

Trump Warmly Greeted at Atlanta Chick-fil-A by Workers and HBCU Students from Spelman...

• https://www.thegatewaypundit.comBy Kristinn Taylor

President Trump flew into Atlanta Wednesday for a high dollar fundraiser and on the way stopped by a Chick-fil-A in the Vine City neighborhood where he was warmly received by workers and HBCU (historically black colleges and universities) students. Videos posted by the Trump campaign, RSBN and C-SPAN captured the visit.

The videos that are sure to shake up the Biden-Harris campaign show the friendly interaction between Trump and Black women working the counter at the Chick-fil-A and the hero's welcome given Trump by Black supporters at the restaurant.

When Trump walked in he greeted the workers, ordering 30 milkshakes and chicken for customers while engaging in conversation that brought smiles to their faces.

Short video by the Trump campaign's Margo Martin: ""Can I have 30 milkshakes and also some chicken? We are going to take care of the customers. Is business good? (Yes.) You're making a lot of money? (Yes!) Everyone can get rich, right? (Yes! Laughter.) Thanks very much."