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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

John Taylor Gatto's Open Letters to Donald Trump

• LewRockwell

From: John Taylor Gatto

Two-Time New York State Teacher of the Year

New York City, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Trump:

I am a strong supporter of yours, with both a national and an international following and have some suggestions to help with your campaign.

First, your natural speaking style is refreshing, but like all political speakers you do have a tendency to fall back on well-worn rhetorical images, grandiose locations which, over time, are merely heard as noise, but that make no lasting impression on listeners.  This is an easy error to correct but, to maximize the effect of your own real substance, you do require some pithy plain talk rhetorical flourishes as accent notes over and around your substance—audiences expect them and want a slogan to take away from listening to you.

I have a beauty, that you may have for free, that would instantly resonate throughout the land and win the hearts of honest people, rich and poor over.