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IPFS News Link • Voting and Elections

It's NYC's first relevant primary in decades, and the polls are a mess

•, By Sophia Rosenbaum

At PS 73 in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, residents waiting for the polls to open at 6 a.m. were furious that workers couldn't access keys to the facility.

"You can't vote nor cast any type of ballot. They (the keys to the building) are in a locked box and no one has the key," Torsha Childs wrote on Facebook. "You can't even get inside the building, you are being turned away at the door way. WOW !!!"

A Board of Elections employee was supposedly on the way, she added.

Voters made the same complaint about shuttered polls at another Brooklyn site, 501 Carlton Ave. not far from the Barclays Center.

One woman claimed she waited more than three hours to vote at a Brownsville polling station at PS 332.

"I have been here since 550 am.. Still cannot vote. Machines are not up and there are no paper ballots," @LammyGwanBadSuh tweeted.