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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Bernie Sanders' NYC Campaign Is Like Pitchfork Come to Life

• Wired

Woooo! Wooooohaaahoooo! Wooooo! A brief pause, and then, alarmingly, another Wooo-woooo!

The sound, a kind of cross between a yodel and a scream, was coming from Michael DeLuca, a 21-year old New York University student standing with his arms flung high in the air. He had a camera slung around his neck and a Bernie Sanders sticker on his chest. DeLuca and his friend Cristina Gnecco, also 21, were flush up against a metal barricade, surrounded by some 27,000 people who gathered in Washington Square Park last week to support Sanders before tomorrow's New York primary.

But it wasn't the Vermont senator that DeLuca was positively losing his shit over at that very moment. It was Vampire Weekend, the indie band whose frontman, Ezra Koenig, has been one of Sanders' most vocal supporters on the campaign trail, tweeting so often about the Sanders campaign that he recently solicited ideas from his followers for other topics to tweet about.

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