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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

The Big Lie About Hillary's War In Libya


Clinton takes the reader from the crackdown, by Muammar al-Qaddafi's regime, of a nascent uprising in Benghazi and Misrata; to her meeting — accompanied by the pop-intellectual Bernard-Henri Lévy — with Mahmoud Jibril, the exiled leader of the opposition National Transitional Council; to her marshaling of an international military response. In late March 2011, Clinton quotes herself telling NATO members, "It's crucial we're all on the same page on NATO's responsibility to enforce the no-fly zone and protect civilians in Libya."

Just two paragraphs later — now 15 pages into her memoir's Libya section — Clinton writes: "[By] late summer 2011, the rebels had pushed back the regime's forces. They captured Tripoli toward the end of August, and Qaddafi and his family fled into the desert." There is an abrupt and unexplained seven-month gap, during which the military mission has inexplicably, and massively, expanded beyond protecting civilians to regime change — seemingly by happenstance. The only opposition combatants even referred to are simply labeled "the rebels," and the entire role of the NATO coalition and its attendant responsibility in assisting their advance has been completely scrubbed from the narrative.