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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Donald Trump: American Tribune

•, By Eric Margolis

One feels an air of whispered importance and gravitas here. After Trump's smashing primary victories this past week, there's a growing sense that the Donald is headed for victory while his legions of bitter opponents are left wringing their hands.

In fact, Trump is fast emerging as an American version of the People's Tribunes of ancient Rome, the important state officials who voiced the people's anger and concerns.

As the Trump revolution spreads, his enemies are desperately seeking ways to stop the Donald's Juggernaut. Cries go to the heavens, "save the Republican Party before Trump wrecks it."

As a life-long (but now fallen away) Republican, I say "good riddance". More power to Trump to blast apart this deeply corrupt, cynical party steeped in  political payoffs and religious fanaticism, and run by former used car dealers from Pocatello.