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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Feel the Bern!


I have been watching the circus known as "Dumbocracy" for some time now. Although I do not buy tickets to the circus or participate in promoting it, I like watching the clowns, as they are always entertaining.

I don't like the idea of voting for my masters. I have not participated in the futile exercise known as voting for a long time, not even when my good friend Marc Victor decided to run for the U.S. Senate here in Arizona, even though I was his campaign manager. A smile still comes over my face when I think about that.

I was not a big fan of Rand Paul in the beginning for several reasons . . . mainly because he was no Ron Paul, but he was the best the clowns on the right had to offer. He, after all, was closest to my philosophy economically and was a hardcore freedom activist. Considering what was being offered, he was the best choice. He was a libertarian running as a Republican, and I had no problem with that. It does not matter what letter you place beside your name, as long as in your heart and mind, you are for freedom.

The clowns on the left offered equally and in some cases worse choices on their side. The choice seemed clear to me that Rand was the only choice, but then Rand dropped out. I spent the next few days digging through the dung piles to see if there was anyone who I could suffer through if they were selected to be the one to drive the machine for the next four to eight years. I never considered digging through the left dung pile because I figured why bother; there was nothing even close to resembling my philosophy.

So, I looked at the clowns that were left on the right, trying to find something that looked promising. Of the garbage that was left, there were most likely only four that had a chance of being anointed by the masters on the right. I thought I would see if any of those four might be secretly harboring even a shred of libertarian philosophy and reason . . . I was sadly disappointed. For starters, all four were complete lunatics and one was actually a liberal masquerading as a conservative.