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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

A Troubled King:


It's not that far away. Guess who wants to run for president in 2020?

Just before the New Year bell rung, the embattled Chicago Mayor Rahm Israel Emanuel (D) was forced to cut short his family vacation in Cuba, and headed back to the windy city after yet another embarrassing police shooting last week which claimed two lives as police responding to a 'domestic disturbance' call killed  19-year-old Quintonio LeGrier, an engineering student at Northern Illinois University, and bystander 55-year-old Betti Jones, a grandmother.

Last week, 100 people, family and activists, held a vigil for the victims. The Mayor has attempted a sort of mea culpa this time, but the public is not buying it, mainly because this was the second major high-profile police shooting incident to rock city hall in the last month.
