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IPFS News Link • Gun Rights

James Jaeger at The Daily Bell: Where Is The NRA?


The Daily Bell has granted permission to mirror the entire interview here at Oath Keepers. However, I would like to ask Oath Keepers' readers to click this link to The Daily Bell's original interview and enter your comments under their article there. The Daily Bell is an excellent source for refreshingly new perspectives on all the things we value, such as Austrian Economics, the Ron Paul R3VOLution, the works of Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., etc. In this interview Anthony Wile grants James Jaeger free rein and James waxes quite candid in calling out the NRA and others who refuse to admit that the Constitution requires the General government to ensure that the "several States" maintain their respective "Militia of the several States".

Additionally, James advances for The Daily Bell's audience the value of Oath Keepers in the American liberty movement. Do take time to enjoy this interview, and let 'em know you're from Oath Keepers. And share the link! Thank you sincerely,


Elias Alias, editor



James Jaeger: MIDNIGHT RIDE – When Rogue Politicians Call for Martial Law

With Anthony Wile – December 13, 2015


Introduction: James Jaeger is an award-winning filmmaker who co-founded Matrix Entertainment which has partnered with Bill Van Alen, of Cornerstone Entertainment, Constitutional attorney, Edwin Vieira, Jr., and independent producer, Richard B. Iott, to produce a series of feature-length political documentaries centering on the U.S. Constitution. The first documentary – "FIAT EMPIRE" about the Federal Reserve System, featuring Congressman Ron Paul – garnered a Telly Award and went viral as the #1 film on the Internet for six months. That inspired James and his associates to develop, produce and release additional cutting-edge motion pictures including the recently completed and released "MIDNIGHT RIDE – When Rogue Politicians Call for Martial Law" featuring Ron Paul, Stewart Rhodes, Sheriff Mack and other Freedom Movement celebrities.


Anthony Wile: Given your busy schedule right now, we know you don't have much time so let's focus directly on your latest film, "MIDNIGHT RIDE – When Rogue Politicians Call for Martial Law," which is your seventh film on the Constitution. Why is this film so important?

James Jaeger: MIDNIGHT RIDE is the sister film to our previous film, MOLON LABE, which explains what the Second Amendment and Militia Clauses are about and why they are "necessary" in order to maintain a "free state." MIDNIGHT RIDE explains what could happen if we ignore the advice of the Second Amendment and the Framers.

Anthony Wile: You premiered the film online on November 6th. How was it received?

James Jaeger: It's doing a little better than MOLON LABE as far as DVD sales goes, and consequently we held it back from the Internet for only about a week. There are currently about 900 people a day watching MIDNIGHT RIDE, and overall our films at have been viewed by almost 4 million people.

Anthony Wile: Where can people see MIDNIGHT RIDE or order DVDs?

James Jaeger: Your readers can watch it for free at or get single or quantity orders of the DVD at

Anthony Wile: Give us an update on MOLON LABE: How the Second Amendment Guarantees America's Freedom, which you talked about at length in our October 2014 interview. Did it fulfill your expectations?

James Jaeger: I think the movie does a good job as a primer to the Second Amendment and Militia of the Several States, thanks to the research of Edwin Vieira and the supporting explanations from the other experts in the film. I am disappointed, however, that out of a pool of 218,959,000 eligible voters across the nation, only about 220,000 have seen MOLON LABE because the mainstream media distributors continue to ignore our films. Wouldn't you think at least NETFLIX would carry them? Instead, NETFLIX carries every mindless documentary ever produced. And the Internet Movie Data Base – the data base that lists every movie ever produced – won't even list our movie, CULTURAL MARXISM. So, gee, I wonder if Hollywood is dominated by socialists and Marxists.

Anthony Wile: Back to your latest movie, MIDNIGHT RIDE. It starts with a logical premise of a dollar crash that takes down the world's financial system. Give us one scenario of how that would unfold, please.

James Jaeger: I don't want to spoil the movie's "plot," but suffice it to say that if the dollar crashed, it would be total chaos. What would the Globalists do? Well, they would probably try to invoke "emergency powers." MIDNIGHT RIDE goes into the legality of "emergency power" acts as well as the various types of martial law that would surely follow.

Anthony Wile: In your trailer for MIDNIGHT RIDE and other marketing material you ask some provocative questions about what would happen as a result of that collapse, and suggest the formation of a police state in the US would be likely. Don't we have elements of it already?

James Jaeger: We already are essentially a police state and several of the experts in MIDNIGHT RIDE – including Ron Paul – explain why.

Anthony Wile: You also ask whether martial law should or could be obeyed. Give us a sense of your perspective on that.

James Jaeger: Some types of martial law are constitutional and some are not. The interesting question is, WHO would comply with martial law of the unconstitutional kind were it declared? To answer this question we do an analysis using the advice in Eric Hoffer's famous book, The True Believer – Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements.

Anthony Wile: Does the film draw a conclusion as to whether the proclamation of martial law would be constitutional? Can you share it?

James Jaeger: Again, I don't want to give a way the "plot" because I hope people will watch the movie and study Edwin Vieira's latest book, By Tyranny Out of Necessity: The Bastardy of "Martial Law." This book inspired the movie. The last printing sold out so it's unavailable for purchase right now, but I'm told it's being reprinted and is expected to be available early next year from Amazon.

Anthony Wile: Tell us about this inspiration.

James Jaeger: I enjoy working with Edwin on these movies and we have teamed on virtually all seven of the movies, such as those covered in a number of your interviews with me over the years. Edwin's work is very thorough, well written and easy to read. His many long-form books are now supplemented with short-form books that introduce the various subjects. Thus, there is no reason why all Americans cannot be inspired by these wonderful books, as I have been. Concerned citizens can read the short-version of Edwin's books, watch a movie and then delve into the longer-form books for the details.

Anthony Wile: Do you depart from the book at all?

James Jaeger: I don't depart at all. Before each movie Edwin and I have extensive discussions about the material and how it fits into the framework of the Constitution. Edwin does the research on the material because he is the constitutional attorney and I reduce this to a movie because I am the filmmaker. At Matrix Entertainment our motto is: "Movies that do more than entertain."