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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Socialism

Bern Gets Burned

• Lew Rockwell - Tom Woods

Because people are treating Sanders' old ideas as if they're just the kind of bold and fresh thinking America needs, I've released a free eBook refuting them called Bernie Sanders Is Wrong. Whether it's trade, "inequality," alternative energy, the $15 minimum wage, greater fringe benefits for workers, or why the Scandinavian model is supposed to be such a great example for America, Sanders is indeed deeply wrong, and my free book will show you why. Download it as a PDFEPUB, or for your Kindle.

Let's consider just one issue in a bit of detail: the so-called gender pay gap, which Sanders has repeatedly denounced. We're told that women are paid only 77% of what men are, and we're left to insert the words "for doing the same work." But in fact, they're not doing the same work, and that's kind of the point. The 77% figure comes from aggregating hours worked at all jobs by women and men and then dividing the one into the other. When the result is less than 100%, we are to conclude that the cause must be "sexism."

But get this: to arrive at this figure, you have to disregard the number of hours worked by women compared to the number of hours worked by men! You think that might be a variable worth incorporating?

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