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IPFS News Link • Agriculture

City-Dwellers Can Become Self-Sufficient Gardeners With This Indoor Vertical Farm

• True Activist

If something were to happen today, tomorrow, six months down the road, or even three years into the future, would you be able to sustain yourself and your family?

A large percent of Americans do not have any resources – financial or otherwise – saved up in a case of an impending disaster, which would make them incredibly dependent on the government if hard times hit (that is if the government was still functioning).

While one may always purchase silver or stock up on canned goods, having a sustainable source of live, nutrient-dense food could be one's saving's grace in the wake of an economic disaster.

For this reason and many more, this gorgeous vertical farm is a God-send for many urban-dwellers who may want to reduce their food costs or just live more sustainably while in the city.

