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IPFS News Link • Self-Help: Rational Living

How to Recover From a Bad First Impression


Maybe you made an off-color joke, were obviously inebriated, or came on too strong. Or maybe you put off an impression that you were not all that interested, even if perhaps you were. If any of these things have happened to you, then you've probably realized that you have to decide very quickly what you should do about it.

Bad first impressions are nothing to scoff at. They are a big deal. A bad first impression can set a tone for an entire relationship. I'm sure you can think of people you've known for years who made a bad first impression on you, and you still remember it years later.

Whether justified or not, these bad impressions have a tendency to sink in, and they can lead to fewer opportunities, limit your income and advancement chances at work, create an unfavorable reputation in your community, or ruin any chance you had of progressing your relationship with a beautiful lady you just met.

AoM has previously covered the importance of making good first impressions. In "How to Enter a Room Like a Boss," I wrote about what men can do to make a good impression when first arriving to an event.