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IPFS News Link • Energy

UK About To Test Roads That Charge Electric Cars As They Drive


Electric cars are an idea that could radically change the impact that we have on the environment when we travel, but there are currently a few limitations that are preventing these cars from reaching their full potential in the global market. The main issue that these cars have had is the fact that many of them don't hold a charge long, and there are very few charging stations.

This forces electric car owners to carefully plan out their trips to avoid running out of energy and breaking down. The price of the cars have also been an issue for most people, but as with all technology, the price is steadily declining as the manufacturing process becomes more efficient.

The power issue may actually be solved very soon also if a new idea tested later this year in the UK ends up working. The new project actually involves electromagnetic roads, that charge the vehicle as it travels, cutting out the need for charging stations. The technology is in the middle of an 18-month test period, which will decide if the project is suitable for public roads.


Unfortunately, the drawback to this project is that it is controlled by the government, and funded by their stolen tax money, but an innovation of this nature could inspire more pure efforts to take place in other parts of the world.